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Speaking of fraudulent click countermeasures

"" that produces sufficient results even for free is a tool for finding and dealing with unnecessary clicks on web advertisements such as listing advertisements. It has been reborn as "", which incorporates the know-how accumulated over many years in X-log into AI and automatically takes countermeasures from the discovery of unnecessary clicks.

Find and eliminate fraudulent clicks from click agents, useless clicks from suspicious smartphone apps, and clicks for investigation or harassment from competitors. is equipped with the know-how accumulated in X-log, which has a proven track record against fraudulent clicks, in AI to automatically check for fraud and take countermeasures.

After the initial settings are completed, the inflow is automatically scored and unnecessary clicks are displayed in a list. By linking with Google and Yahoo! API, some measures are automatically registered, and the level from scoring to unnecessary is described, so it is easy to check and manual measures can be taken more easily.

By excluding fraudulent clicks, you can effectively utilize the advertising expenses that were wasted, which leads to improvement of advertising effectiveness. More effective advertisement operation is possible by verifying the advertisement with the correct numerical value without fraud.

There is no cost after introduction with the basic plan. The feature is that it can be used on all sites that use WEB advertisements. Advanced plans and setting agency work are paid options.



パソコンやスマートフォン、IPアドレスを確認、アクセス状況や履歴からそれぞれをAIが採点します。 点数が基準値を超えたものを不要なクリックとして自動で対策を行います。











X-log.aiに登録されている十数万社のデータをアクセス元IPと照合し、企業からのアクセスランキングを作成します。 競合企業や契約済みの企業を選択するだけで、Google広告の除外IPに登録され、無駄なクリックを阻止することができます。


We provide it free of charge to protect as many companies as possible from unnecessary clicks on advertisements.
Please help us to confirm unnecessary clicks of advertisements.

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